Born 1914. Died 1986.
Vincent Wesly Johnson.
Born 1914. Died 1986.
F Johan Jansson.
Born 1859-03-14 in Gräsmark, Ulfsby Utskog (S). Odelstorpare
Jan   Jonsson 1821-1906
FF Jan Jonsson.
Born 1821-10-27 in Gräsmark, Timbonäs (S). Died 1906-02-18 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z). Torpare Hunge
Katarina   Andersdotter 1821-1906
FM Katarina Andersdotter.
Born 1821-12-05 in Gräsmark, Ragekärn (S). Died 1906-10-25 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z).

Relationships and children

Married 1938-11-02.

Reeta Jane Sipes.
Born 1917 in Kansas. Died 2006.

Index of persons    Index of surnames    Index of places