in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z).
in Bodsjö, Kälen (Z).
1908 gift arbetare Finnäs 1910 gift timmerarbetare Kälen No 1 1914 gift 1908 |
Henrik Johansson.
Born 1880-01-20 in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z). Died 1914-07-04 in Bodsjö, Kälen (Z). |
Johan Olofsson.
Born 1833-06-11 in Bogen (S). Died 1910-08-29 in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z). Arbetare, torpare |
M Kristina Jansdotter Olofsson. Born 1850-01-07 in Gräsmark, Timbonäs (S). Died 1932-01-23 in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z). |
MF Jan Jonsson. Born 1821-10-27 in Gräsmark, Timbonäs (S). Died 1906-02-18 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z). Torpare Hunge |
MM Katarina Andersdotter. Born 1821-12-05 in Gräsmark, Ragekärn (S). Died 1906-10-25 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z). |
Married 1908-09-12.
Ida Matilda Mattsson.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.