Born 1943-08-24 in Junsele (Y).
Sonja Eva-Lisa Åström.
Born 1943-08-24 in Junsele (Y).

Relationships and children

Divorced 1998-02-05. Married 1980-11-01.

Curt Olof Anders Dillner.
Born 1937-05-01 in Sveg, Rätansbyn, Rätan (Z). 1 Died 2014-05-01 in Östersund (Z).

Anders Mattias Dillner.
Born 1981-09-10 in Frösö (Z).

Curt Martin Dillner.
Born 1984-05-23 in Frösö (Z).


  1. 1937 fader ej angiven

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