Born 1700. Died 1776-04-23 in Hjorted, Lilla Boxhult (H).
1776 hustrun Brita Danielsdotr 76 år
Brita Danielsdotter.
Born 1700. Died 1776-04-23 in Hjorted, Lilla Boxhult (H).

Relationships and children

Married 1720-10-02 in Hjorted (H).

Johan Persson.
Born 1693. Died 1779-11-12 in Hjorted, Lilla Boxhult (H).

Margreta Johansdotter.
Born 1727-09-20 in Hjorted, Yxerud Kvarn (H). Died 1800-11-24 in Hjorted, Tibbhult (H).

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