Born about 1664-03-27 in Hallingeberg, St Jorsta (H). Died 1737-12-28 in Hallingeberg, Hunsala (H).
1664 d 27 Martij christnades Jönses son i St. Jorsta, Måns benämd
1737 28 Decemb. Måns i Hunsala. 73 åhr och 5 månader
Måns Jönsson.
Born about 1664-03-27 in Hallingeberg, St Jorsta (H). Died 1737-12-28 in Hallingeberg, Hunsala (H).

Relationships and children


Kierstin Månsdotter.
Born 1707-05-28 in Hallingeberg, Hunsala (H). Died 1778-02-23 in Hallingeberg, Hunsala (H).

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