Born 1833-07-08 in Forsa (X). Died 1899-06-11 in Bräcke, Stugusjön (Z). Arrendator
Lars Larsson.
Born 1833-07-08 in Forsa (X). Died 1899-06-11 in Bräcke, Stugusjön (Z). Arrendator

Relationships and children

Married 1882-08-06.

Kristina Olofsdotter.
Born 1845-07-20 in Bodsjö, Sidsjö (Z). Died 1899-12-22 in Bräcke, Stugusjön (Z).

Per Larsson.
Born 1892-11-02 in Bräcke, Stugusjön (Z). Died 1937-06-21 in Bräcke, Bräcke by (Z).

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