Born 1846-05-02 in Sunne, Svineberg (S). Died 1846-05-16.
Olof Jansson.
Born 1846-05-02 in Sunne, Svineberg (S). Died 1846-05-16.
M Kajsa Olsdotter.
Born 1828-02-23 in Sunne, Svineberg (S).
MF Olof Jansson.
Born 1890-07-18 in Sunne, Getnäs (S).
MM Britta Olsdotter.
Born 1799-01-15 in Sunne (S).
MMF Olof Larsson.
Born 1763. Died 1826 in Sunne, Svineberg (S).
MMM Kerstin Pettersdotter.
Born 1775 in Sunne, Gjutaregården (S). Died 1846-01-15 in Sunne, Svineberg (S).
MMMF Petter Gustafsson.
Born 1741 in Sunne, Gjutaregården (S).

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