Born 1917-08-24 in Revsund (Z).
1950 gift Selånger
Samma hushåll Gustaf Vilhelm Åkerlund 1916-05-06 Märta Paulina Åkerlund 1917-08-24 Bo Gustaf Åkerlund 1939-03-16 Bengt Åke Åkerlund 1943-04-13
1957 Skönsmon
1961 Skön
Märta Paulina Nordin.
Born 1917-08-24 in Revsund (Z).
F Erik Nordin.
Born 1881-12-03 in Revsund (Z). Died 1924-10-29. Skogsarbetare, arrendator
FF Anders Nordin.
Born 1845-09-29 in Hille (X). Died 1927-05-07 in Förberg (Y). Timmerman, dagsverkstorpare
FM Brita Maria Nygren.
Born 1848 in Bräcke (Z).
M Anna Paulina Pålsson.
Born 1886-03-03 in Bräcke (Z). Died 1964-04-26 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z).

Relationships and children

Married 1939-09-02.

Gustaf Vilhelm Åkerlund.
Born 1916-05-06 in Ljustorp (Y).

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