Born 1900-09-07 in Norra Ny (S).
1926 försäkringsinspektör Transtrand
1940 ombudsman och biodlare Transtrand
1950 ombudsman Transtrand Amnerud
Lars Alfred Jonsson.
Born 1900-09-07 in Norra Ny (S).

Relationships and children

Married 1928-06-15.

Betty Paulina Fors.
Born 1905-07-13 in Dalby, Amnerud (S).

Stig Bertil Jonsson.
Born 1934-04-20 in Dalby (S).

Before marriage.

Betty Paulina Fors.
Born 1905-07-13 in Dalby, Amnerud (S).

Bror Ragnar Jonsson.
Born 1926-12-26 in Dalby, Amnerud (S).

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