Born 1948-03-26 in Nordmaling (BD). 1960 hemmaflicka Anviken i Revsund
Rose-Mari Nordlund.
Born 1948-03-26 in Nordmaling (BD).
F Bernt Otto Fabian Nordlund.
Born 1925-04-11 in Nordmaling (AC).
M Sonja Linnéa Jonsson.
Born 1927-10-11 in Jukkasjärvi (BD).

Relationships and children

Married 1968-06-08. Divorced 1977-03-28.

Jan Petter Hellström.
Born 1944-03-28 in Bodsjö, Flatnor (Z).

Jan Thomas Hellström.
Born 1967-06-30 in Revsund (Z).

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