Telefonist Born 1926-11-02 in Havdhem (I).
1950 gift telefonist V Kyrkog 1 Visby
1975 rikstelefonist
Dagny Maria Pettersson.
Born 1926-11-02 in Havdhem (I). Telefonist

Relationships and children

Married 1950-01-05.

Josef Berthold Oscar Karlsson.
Born 1927-11-22 in Gladhammar (H).

Dagny Margareth Bertholdsson.
Born 1950-06-15 in Visby (I).

Jan Staffan Bertholdsson.
Born 1952-10-15 in Visby (I).

Lena Astrid Bertholdsson.
Born 1954-04-12 in Visby (I).

Lars Mikael Bertholdsson.
Born 1958-12-19 in Visby (I).

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