Born 1939-02-22 in Östersund (Z).
1980 frånskild Kungsängen med yngste sonen
Eivor Kristina Paulsson.
Born 1939-02-22 in Östersund (Z).

Relationships and children

Married 1958-03-22. Divorced 1980-06-24.

Göte Allan Månsson.
Born 1935-07-15 in Bodsjö, Flatnor (Z).

Leif Allan Månsson.
Born 1958-08-29 in Marieby (Z).

Lena Kristina Månsson.
Born 1962-03-29 in Östersund (Z).

Lars Olof Månsson.
Born 1966-03-25 in Östersund (Z).

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