Skogsarbetare, småbruksägare
in Ramsele (Y).
in Revsund, Gällö (Z).
1920 skogsarbetare Döviken 1940 småbruksägare 1 ha, Folkskolan Revsund 1:22, 1:43 1950 fd skogsarbetare Döviken 1:22 1960 dito 1975 Gällö 1978 gift 1920 |
Olof Verner Asplund.
Born 1896-05-10 in Ramsele (Y). Died 1978-03-03 in Revsund, Gällö (Z). Skogsarbetare, småbruksägare |
Before marriage.
Anna Kristina Olsson Asplund.
Married 1920-02-14.
Anna Kristina Olsson Asplund.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.