Arrendator, snickare
in Värmland (S).
in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z).
1890 gift arrendator Flatnor 1892 o 1895 gift snickare Flatnor 1898 gift arrendator 1900 gift snickare Finnäs 1909- skattfri, fattig Finnäs 2 1910 snickare Finngård No1 Låg (Skönvik Finnäs 2) 1918 gift 1885 |
Per Persson Stadin.
Born 1844-02-05 in Värmland (S). Died 1918-10-04 in Bodsjö, Finnäs (Z). Arrendator, snickare |
Married 1885-06-24.
Brita Margreta Tomasdotter.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.