1900 gift hemmansägare Kännåsen i Ås
1910 dito
1940 gift f.d. hemmansägare Gäije 15 i Hallen hos sonen Johan Martin
1949 gift 1888 Died 1949-04-21 in Hallen, Mårdsund, Ålderdomshemmet (Z). |
Jon Eriksson.
Born 1862-03-15. Died 1949-04-21 in Hallen, Mårdsund, Ålderdomshemmet (Z). |
Erik Jonsson.
Born 1820-10-07 in Rödön, Undrom (Z). Died 1909. Bonde i Offne |
Olivia Charlotta Skog.
Born 1825-02-04 in Stockholm (AB). Died 1867-07-22 in Mattmar, Offne (Z). |
N Skog.
Born estimated 1795. |
Married 1888-11-11.
Märta Gudfastdotter.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.