in Södra Finnskoga, Elgsjön (S).
1927 7/12 flyttar från Kälen till Östersund 1938 änka 1924 Died 1938-11-05 in Rätan, Rätansbyn (X). |
Kjerstin Kristina Tomasdotter.
Born 1846-12-16 in Södra Finnskoga, Elgsjön (S). Died 1938-11-05 in Rätan, Rätansbyn (X). |
Tomas Filipsson.
Born 1819-02-08 in Södra Finnskoga (S). Died 1895-09-19 in Revsund (Z). Torpare, arbetare |
Ingrid Eliasdotter.
Born 1818-04-26 in Södra Finnskoga (S). Died 1892-01-25 in Bodsjö, Hunge (Z). |
Married 1871-04-05.
Olof Karlsson.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.