Arbetare, torpare, skomakarmästare
in Dalby (S).
in Dalby (S).
1906 Arbetare Brönäs, Dalby 1908 torpare Transtrand, Dalby 1940 gift fd skomakarmästare 1 ha, Möre i Dalby 1950 dito Möre 1:52 |
Jöns Jönsson Krok.
Born 1872-03-21 in Dalby (S). Died 1960-01-05 in Dalby (S). Arbetare, torpare, skomakarmästare |
Married 1906-01-01 in Dalby.
Kristina Halvardsdotter.
Index of persons Index of surnames Index of places
I samarbete med Bodsjö hembygdsförening In cooperation with the local society of Bodsjö Created 2025-01-26 using Disgen version 2019.